Saturday, December 25, 2010

While I stay in marina mall

   Two week ago I went with my friends to marina mall. I stayed in restraint and eat some food. while  I stayed in a restraint I saw 2 men running faster, after them a police officer was running fallow them and catch them after about 30 minutes.

    The two men had problems because the police catch them. I ask some persons about the problem and tell me the 2 men so stole the jewelry. I ask the seller man in jewelry she tell me the 2 men stole 2kg gold about 30 million dirham. The seller than the police officer and said, this was good work.

  Now, the 2 men had big problem and the police asked them, why did you tell the police that you don’t have money and your family are poor and don’t have good food. The police fall the rolls and the 2 men stayed in prison 2 years.

  Finally, the 2 men Thief because then don’t have money and their family didn’t have food this was big problem in the country. Must the rich men help the poor men in life.

petrol process

   There are a number of steps in how to refine oil that is extracted from the oil reservoir. Oil from the most important sources of income in the United Arab Emirates and the Gulf and the whole world. Oil is the basis of the evolution of the world and scientific progress.

The first step the engineer should locate oil reservoir to extract the oil, when the oil reservoir is located the second step the oil is pumped through the pipe lines. After that the oil is stored in the tanks. Next, the oil is refined to several products the petrol is stored in the tanks. After that the petrol is transported to the petrol station. After that, the petrol is stored in the tank of the petrol station. Finally, the petrol is pumped in the cars tanks.

   I think this would be the best description of how the petrol process works.


The story started with Mr. Bean sleeping through many alarms and then he realized he was late for his dentist appointment. Then he quickly to up from the bed and he put on his clothes and he ran to his car.

   While planned to go to the dentist got office, Mr. Bean got dressed. It was very scary because he was thinking that he will find lots of cars in the road. After that, he started shaving his beard while driving the car. Next, Mr. Bean remember to read the note of the doctor he started changing his clothes while he drove the car. After that something funny happened with Mr. Bean and the boy. He poured water on the boy and the boy was surprised about what happened to him. After that, MS. Been reached the hospital for his appointment. While the doctor got ready Mr. Bean played with the dentist chair. After that, when he stabbed the dentist with the syringe and the doctor is fell down. After that Mr. Bean fixed his own teeth by his own way. Finally, the doctor was surprised about how  Mr. Bean can fix his own teeth by his own method.

   Finally , this story was one of the best stories I ever seen in my life of Mr. Bean episodes, Mr. Bean had a big adventure , and hopefully he learned his lesson about getting up on time. know from this story that we should recognize the time for doing anything.